Knowledge, Mastery, Achievement…

Under Construction.

Coming in 2025!!

Knowledge, Mastery, and Achievement of your financial life is possible!  Start by joining one of our cohorts, today.

Financial Education has been a passion of mine, throughout my professional career. There are so few formal avenues for personal financial education, yet more sources of financial information than I can count, and some that sound at odds with others. Which one is the right one? I originally developed Financially Fearless to help women plan for retirement. It evolved to include: basic estate planning, asset allocation, investment 101, budgeting hacks, risk mitigation and debt management. When I created Juno Capital Strategy, LLC, I knew Financially Fearless would have to be a component of my service, and we would have a lot more to talk about! As my professional journey evolved, Financially Fearless moved from being a component of my service, to the primary service I am proud to offer.

But why stop, there? Not everyone can stop to join a live, interactive session. So, I am delighted to share that coming in 2025 is our newest financial education offering: Knowledge, Mastery, Achievement! This new delivery option offers even more flexibility, allowing clients to select a single topic, bundle topics of interest to create their own course or follow guided courses covering related topics. Knowledge Mastery Achievement consists of prepared materials and pre-recorded sessions, that will be accessible from our website menu, presented in manageable sections, and delivered to your digital mailbox.

Don’t let the calendar keep you from achieving the financial knowledge you need to confidently control your financial life! Please watch the space, below, for topics and courses to begin in 2025!

Yours in Knowledge Mastery and Achievement,


Knowledge, Mastery, and Achievement of your financial life is possible!

Start by selecting a topic or a course of topics.

Coming in 2025!!

We are so excited to offer concise, thoughtfully prepared and pre-recorded sessions of our most popular topics. Purchase individually, or bundle to create a path unique to your needs.

What do we discuss?

I invite you to check out our Notes and our Financially Fearless! sessions for sample topics.

Want more interactive learning?

Start by joining one of our Financially Fearless! cohorts, today.

Not sure which track is right for you? Click the button, and Let’s Talk!

All initial learning consultations are complimentary!

Really! We mean it.