About Us

What is Juno?

I set out to build a financial advisory firm, and along the way, I built a bespoke financial education and consulting firm to help women with their financial lives. What began as a “passion project” became THE project. In the long months attending to infrastructure, I encountered even more people asking: “Can you explain…” “Can you tell me what ….. is?” “I have so many questions, and no place to ask them where I feel safe and heard.”

Who am I?

Professionally, I am a Certified Financial Planner™ with a creative side. I earned my educational requirement and professional certification in financial planning from Georgetown University, and went on to complete the Certified Financial Planner examination conducted by the CFP Board of Standards to earn my Certified Financial Planner designation, which I maintain in good standing.

I later earned my masters degree in art history and visual culture, also from Georgetown University. My undergraduate degree, from the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia, concentrated on finance and international business. In my past work, I focused on wealth strategy and investment management for individuals and families. Through that experience, I discovered the need for accessible, cohesive financial education that does not require a PhD in finance, but offers more than a frantic internet search, at 3:00 a.m.

Want to see more than my resume? Look, here.

Why listen to me?

I am a little irreverent. I seek to serve a little differently.

My primary goal is to help clients identify their resources and build their professional advisory team (plan), gain a deeper understanding of financial terminology and systems that they may confidently navigate the myriad possibilities & providers (protect) as they work to create financial freedom, for themselves (prosper).

Turns out, I am not just seeking to serve differently, I AM serving differently. My initial goal of helping you identify your resources, amplify your assets and use them to power the life you seek to lead has become more focused. As founder of Juno Capital Strategy, LLC, I am building on more than two decades in the financial industry. I am not here to turn you into a financial professional, or tell you what to do, rather, I am here to help you navigate financial terminology, understand financial systems and identify and engage your professional team.

What changed?

That old saying that life is about change…is that ever true! As said above, I started out creating a planning and investment firm to build on what I knew, but offer it differently than what I had known. An aspect of that was to be education. And I did build it! (I had to remind myself of that when I got down about what was not working as I hoped and planned). But when I moved, not just my address changed, and I realized I needed and wanted to change more, too. I am so grateful to those early clients who sought out my new firm, prepared to trust me with their questions, fears and hopes! They gave me more encouragement than they may have realized. They confirmed there was a place for independent planning. They confirmed there was a place for me and my firm. They encouraged me, at my lowest moments, to keep going with my new version, focused on financial education, because it was a part of our early interactions they found so valuable.

What hasn’t changed: I did not give up on Juno Capital Strategy, LLC, despite all the twists, turns, pauses, lurches, and disappointments. I created Juno Capital Strategy, LLC, to make a difference. I created Juno Capital Strategy, LLC to help my clients leverage learning in the setting of their choice, to help them plan, help them protect and help them prosper. Now, its time to get going!


Because I believe in the power of education.

I believe in the power of planning.

I believe in the power my clients already bring to the table.

Who are you?

Like me, you are busy! You are developing a career. You are deep in career. You are ready to change career or leave career. You are juggling career and family care, be it spouse, partner, parent(s), loved ones and/or child(ren). And if you aren’t today, you foresee a near future when you will. Maybe you are contemplating marriage, re-marriage or divorce. Maybe you are contemplating growing your family with children. Perhaps one or more of these transitions has been presented to you, along with all its attendant financial impact.

You need an understanding of the financial terminology threading through our daily lives, and how it all interacts to impact your life. You need to know how the various financial engines and systems work, so you can select the path, solution or provider best suited to your needs and goals.

You need effective, compassionate, unbiased insight that meets you where you are, today. You work hard to create the life you imagined, and the resources and funds that make that life work. Our goal is to help you protect your hard earned resources, by first understanding what they are and how they operate. Then, identifying and engaging a strong professional team, that you may prosper in the life you are making.

Life requires strategy and a plan.

We are planners at heart. In a nutshell, we are here to illustrate the impact of thoughtful financial strategy and dynamic guidance, to harness your resources, in service of your evolving life. We are passionate about addressing and engaging a variety of assets to help you give life to your dreams and goals.

And every goal, no matter the size, starts with a plan.

So why work with Juno Capital Strategy, LLC? Because we are not here to dictate to you. And we have no ulterior motives, no conflicts of interest, and no products to push. We begin by meeting you where you are, today, discussing financial topics in our interactive sessions or offering you a guided exploration of related financial topics in our pre-recorded sessions. While we do not author plans or invest assets on behalf of clients, we do work as an independent, fee-only, fiduciary, providing education on a variety of financial and finance-adjacent topics. This means we cannot, and will not offer isolated solutions or off-the-cuff advice, neither of which truly serve our clients. We are a fee-only educational organization, by design, with all fees clearly articulated, in writing, up front. It also means we have no products to sell, we have no quotas to meet, we have no conflict of interest. You can be confident we are unencumbered.

Our focus is Your well-being.

You already know which topics you want to explore, first? Click here

You are not sure where to begin? Click here

There is no better place to start than right where you are, and no better time than right now!

For those interested in speaking engagements/group presentations,

schedule your introductory call, here: Let's Talk!


Jennifer C. Owen, CFP


With 25 years in the financial industry, Jennifer is a Certified Financial Planner™ professional with a creative side, who helps her clients capitalize on their resources to create security and financial freedom.

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Jennifer C. Owen, CFP®

Juno Capital Strategy, LLC